Friday, May 19, 2006

Belly Laughs and Guerilla Tactics

A big thanks to my girl Amy for sending me this link-- it definitely gave me a good laugh for the day-- Go 'Eers!!

WVU Sprint Commercial

On a much darker note, in São Paulo, Brazil, gangs have taken to the streets and are practically waging a war against the police force. It all begin as a result of a new piece of legislation aimed at preventing a prison uprising. Gang members that were incarcerated were opposed to it and asked fellow members on the outside to act in retaliation. As always, it is a more complex situation that what meets the eye. This NY Times article explains it much better than I can:

5 Days of Violence in São Paulo leaves 115 Dead Before Subsiding

I'm just glad Felipe and I are going to Rio de Janeiro, which is a significant distance away. Hopefully, things will be under control by the time we land in Brazil; I hope even more that my Mom won't find out about all this-- she'd be really worried, even though it isn't necessary. Below is a link to a Brazilian newspaper, in case anyone knows Portuguese and wants "the rest of the story".... only about 11 days left...

O Jornal do Brasil

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