Folding Socks Online
Friday, December 22, 2006
A fun way to waste 5 minutes...
Folding Socks Online
Thursday, December 21, 2006
Why am I still awake??

Monday, December 04, 2006
Not so good...
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
"Fat and Lazy" looks good on me

Thursday, November 16, 2006
Sometimes, I wish I smoked pot...
I know, I know everyone is tired of hearing about how stressful my Ph.D. application process has been but, hey, tough bananas. I'm losing my mind with this stuff!! Can't a girl whine a little sometimes? It just feels like a never-ending ordeal. Just when I think I've got it all together and ready to go, I check the webpage and *poof* another magical requirement seems to pop up from nowhere. arg. I feel like I have NOTHING left to say. Why do I have to project what my dissertation (of at least 2 years down the road) will be?? How the hell should I know? I thought the whole idea of a doctoral education was to figure out exactly that-- what I will do with the rest of my life. It's so nerve-racking. I worry that it's all going to be a gigantic waste of time and money; every one of these places will just say, "Sorry, you're not what we're really looking for right now." Then what? I haven't even had time to imagine what Plan B would be. I literally have all my little eggs packed into the Ph.D. basket.
I guess I'll do that over Christmas break. Thanksgiving is already taken-- two term papers and more thesis research/writing. Not that I'll get any of that done-- I never do when I go home. All I want to do is let my mother cook and fuss over me, go shopping with her, watch too many movies and sleep late every day. Just be a total bum, in other words, since I never get to do that during the year.
I'm gonna have a girls' potluck with my roomie and some friends Friday night. They don't know it yet, but we're gonna have a major "Apples to Apples" match. I can't get enough of that game. Way too much fun-- and so wacky it always makes me laugh, which I need right now.
Saw "Cars" last night and ate too much. It was just what I needed. What a funny movie. I loved it so much, I would consider buying it. I sometimes just get overloaded with the "adult" world and a good kids flick is exactly what I need; a little thoughtless fantasy and humor never hurt anyone.

Friday, November 10, 2006
Wild West...Yeehaaw!

I just don't know what to expect and I am a person that really likes to know what to expect. I have to rush back after class this morning to fix up my bibliography and pay ridiculous amounts of money to print off 4 hard copies of the sucker. I did find out that some of my profs have already submitted their recommendations; phew, one less thing to worry about.
Anyway, enough about work. Let's talk about play! Tonight my Spanish girls are throwing a Wild West party. How awesome is that? Not the most common theme, granted, but interesting nonetheless. I'm going to be an indian (how un-p.c. of me) and my boy will be a cowboy. I drove them around last night to get the groceries, which was fun. I think I learned about 5 new ways to say "shit" in Spanish. God bless hands-on education.
Saturday is hockey!!! I'm dragging two friends and my boy along to see the WVU Hockey team play...someone, I forget. In any case, it will be fun. Worse comes to worse, I huddle and absorb myself in my hot chocolate. I've never seen a hockey game before and I'm all about doing things "I've never done before". My brother thinks I'm a weirdo sometimes, but I like to think of myself as eclectic and, slightly, eccentric.
Wednesday, November 08, 2006
Viva Las Vegas!

In other news, I have been making satisfactory progress on my thesis. I think so, at least. I have a committee meeting Friday evening so, hopefully, their opinion will jive with mine. I need to polish what I have pronto so I can send it off as my writing sample. I swear, these Ph.D. apps are going to kill me. It seems like every waking moment is consumed by them. I'll be deliriously happy when it's all said and done; and I fully intend to get completely and utterly drunk in celebration (something I never do). I'm updating my blog right now to avoid: a) my thesis b) my applications and c) my assignments due tomorrow for creative writing. I can't think creatively right now-- reality is way too strong. I guess I can't put off the unavoidable for too long. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go...
Sunday, October 29, 2006
Passage to India via Diwali

I had such a great time last night at the Diwali celebration! It makes me wish I had gone every year in the past. I just love Indian culture so, it was a thrill for me. The ISA (Indian Student Assoc.) did an excellent job organizing and preparing everything. They had a nice dinner with: tandoori chicken, basmatic rice, vegetable marsala, naan, and a dessert of mango mousse and rice pudding. I used to be quite a frequent customer at the Cafe of India here in Morgantown until, sadly, they closed about this time last year. I was and am heart-broken over that. I wish (HINT, HINT BUSINESS PEOPLE OUT THERE) that someone would come to fill that hole because they were the only game in town. After the dinner, the ISA had a show of traditional dances, humorous skits, and fashion from India---so fun to watch. Finally, they cleared all the chairs out of the ballroom and had a open floor for dancing. And

Wednesday, October 25, 2006
Hurray for Dove! Death to the GREs!
Tomorrow morning I re-take the GREs...dun, dun, dun! I took them two years ago but, I figured that it would beef-up my PhD applications to improve my score a bit. So, hopefully, that's exactly what I'll end up doing; as opposed to wasting $130. Unfortunately, I don't believe I'll get my scores back in time from the practice test I took this past Saturday. Oh well, practice is practice, I guess. Wish me luck!!!
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Total horse puckey but....
Give it a know you want to...My Look-Alikes
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
"A Visit from Aunt Mabel"... my grandmother told me they used to say. Sorry to some of you to be so graphic and, well, girly but, periods stink---don't they ladies? I always get a wicked headache the day before and a killer lower backache the first day. Not to mention the fact that I blow up like a float for the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade. The fun just never ends; every month, for seven days, my life and the lives of those around me is hellish. It's funny how every woman has a uniquely torturous combination of side-effects--- headache, backache, irritability, bloating, cramps (thank God I don't have that one), etc.
Don't get me wrong, there's a part of me happy to see it come around regularly. It's a sign that nothing's wrong and nature is smiling upon me and my future progeny. However, I have always wondered why men were not blessed with some kind of little gift every month? There's a great essay by Gloria Steinem called "If Men Could Menstruate" that I absolutely love. I read it whenever I'm feeling particularly crummy and need a laugh. I have even gone so far as to write a story about menstruation---well, not about it, per se. More like how different women deal with it differently. My creative writing teacher thought it was hilarious and announced in class, "I've never thought of it, but there just isn't enough menstruation in literature." I couldn't agree more. After all, why is it such a taboo topic? It's an experience all (well, most) women collectively deal with. There's nothing abnormal or weird about it. I say, stop hiding who you are and be proud to be a bloody woman!!!
Monday, October 16, 2006
Wilco, Caminhando and Compositions

I'm really psyched about Wednesday when myself, my new buddy Alison, my old gal Courtney and my better half are gonna see Wilco. I had no idea how many closet Wilco fans existed on campus until I bought my ticket. Once I began mentioning what I had planned for this week, a bunch of people popped up that were die-hard fans--who knew? In any case, it will be good times. Maybe I'll be moved enough to buy a t-shirt.
I am a highly musical person. I always have a song stuck in my head, literally. I must have about 10,000 song lyrics memorized, of all genres. It's crazy. I'm always humming, singing, tapping on something, or listening to music in some form. They say that music is a brain stimulant and the amount and variety you listen to correlates to IQ. Not sure if this is exactly true, but an interesting theory nonetheless. Regardless of the results, I love music. I can play two instruments and would like to have time to learn more. The song in my head today is Brazilian. The title is "Caminhando e Cantando" by Geraldo Vandre. It's a protest song from the 60's, when Brazil was under a dictatorship. Truly an inspiring song, not to mention HIGHLY charged with Communist rhetoric. Take a listen some time if you can, or ask me and I'll plug you in and translate. It just makes you wanna join hands and stare down a tank...or something like that.
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Why am I so bored??

La, la, la ....I'm so bored. My office hours stink. People rarely come to see me so I usually catch up on my grading or lesson planning. However, I'm all caught up on my grading and I'm just recycling my lesson plans from last semester so, I really have nothing to do---for the moment. I SHOULD be studying for my Latin American Nobel Prize Winners test tomorrow (will do later) or reading for my 18th/19th century Spanish lit class tonight (not gonna go). More than anything, I should be writing for my thesis. I had a meeting with one of my advisors yesterday; yeah, I was a big freakin' ball of stress. I have plenty of research done but I'm completely paralyzed to write something---anything having to do with my topic. It's bizarre. I have zero problems writing for my short story class; perhaps because I'm only taking the class for fun so, there's nothing "riding on it", so to speak. I gotta get over my perfectionist tedency and fast. I don't want to write anything because I'm afraid it won't come out coherent and intelligent. So, I'm putting it off and putting it off as the pressure steadily mounts (because I always put more pressure on myself than anyone else).
I feel yucky. I'm not sick. I don't get sick very often; during the fall and winter I jack up my Vitamin C, water and garlic intake and I usually skate right through cold and flu season. I feel bad because yesterday was my last installment of the Hepatitis A/B shot. Now I'm totally immune for the rest of my life; I can go stomp barefoot on broken glass and rusty metal at a construction site and I'll be fine (thanks to a tetnus booster as well). This stupid shot makes my arm feel like it weighs two tons and it doesn't want to move at all.
Hmmm....what else...oh, Wilco is coming to WVU! Woo-hoo! I'm gonna buy my tickets today, I think. Love those guys. I'm probably gonna go to the movies with some girlfriends tonight...either "Little Miss Sunshine" or "Man of the Year". Man, I wish the weather were nice enough to still go to the drive-in. Love that place. Time to get some lunch...gazpacho anyone?
Monday, October 09, 2006
Musical Interlude
Well, here's the link I have been promising-- actual, live footage of the Brazilian concert here at WVU last weekened. I'm so proud of myself for uploading it (it took almost 24 hours total), formatting it, and embedding the player into this blog and my MySpace page.
Also, a little update from my last post.Mr. Frank Klepadlo (sophomore polysci major)wrote a wonderful letter to the editor in response to Ms. Feltzer's article about foreign language study. The title is "Foreign Language Requirement Appropriate, Useful" and it is in the Oct. 6, 2006 archive of the DA. As a result, I no longer feel compelled to reply myself. I suppose it's for the best; my reply would seem totally biased, which it naturally is.
This past weekend was a lot of fun. Friday night, Felipe and I went to a Brazilian couple's house to have an Arabic dinner--go figure. There were a few other Brazilians there and we stayed for about 6 hours just eating, chatting and telling funny stories. On Saturday, we went to another Brazilian couple's home to have a feijoada lunch (which lasted about 5 hours). Courtney and I went to a men's soccer game Saturday evening which lasted about two hours. All in all, I think I pretty much spent the whole weekend doing nothing but eating, talking with people and generally having a good time. It was wonderful but, I'm left a little behind schedule now. So, here I am blogging and procrastinating, again...ok, I'll stop now.
Wednesday, October 04, 2006
I speak American, duh!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006
You just gotta dance...
Now I'm heading into the middle of the week. I'm giving an exam tomorrow which I have to grade rapid-fire to be ready for mid-term reports on the 10th. I've also been studying like crazy for the GRE's lately. It's funny how advantageous knowing other languages is when you are trying to expand your vocabulary in your native one. "FACILE", for example means "something easy" in English and means the same thing (facil) in both Spanish and Portuguese. Only problem is I usually don't trust my instinct and over-think things--especially on standardized tests. The more I study for this, the less relevant it seems to graduate study. I mean, seriously, does it really matter if I know how to calculate the area of a sphere or the definition of "unctuous" if I want to study Latin American history? I think not. Granted, having a rich vocabulary and being articulate are important for my area of study but, using extremely rare and complicated words in academic writing only makes you look pompous and rambling. My personal opinion is that each field should have it's own diagnostic test or the writing sample that applicants submit should be composed of more examples; something like that. Even if I do well on this test, my results have no real bearing on my ability as a graduate history student so, why make me put in the time and effort? Just another rhetorical question to pitch out there into the bottom-less pit of universal experiences...
Friday, September 29, 2006
Let's get ready to ruuuumbllllle!
Tonight, Felipe and I are going to a feijoada at a Brazilian friend's house. For those who don't know, that just means a typical Brazilian-style dinner involving rice, beans, some kind of meat, salad, etc. It will be a lot of fun, I'm sure but I'm a bit nervous. When I first got back from Brazil, my Portuguese was kickin' and my Spanish was awkward. Now, my Spanish is back to it's original shine and my Portuguese is rusty. I've come to the conclusion that I should no longer learn Romance languages. Two is enough. I'm working on Arabic now, which is TOTALLY different and doesn't confuse me. Have Spanish and Portuguese in my brain is like a bad juggling act; neither ball can be up at the same time and I have a tendency to drop one or the other at any given moment. Anyone else who has extensive knowledge of both can understand my plight, I'm sure.
I noticed something today but I'm not sure if it's just me being grumpy or what. People don't give way on the sidewalk around here and it's quite disturbing to me. I'm not a big person by any stretch of the imagination so, you'd think a 6'00'', 210 dude would give me a few inches to maneauver! I am absolutely sick of constantly having to twist and contort my body (and gigantic bag with books and teaching materials) at the last possible second to avoid a head-on collision. Am I the only person on campus that sucks at playing pedestrian-style chicken?? I've been experimenting lately with different approaches to this dilemma. Sometimes I just flat-out throw a shoulder into someone (which usually hits somewhere around their elbow). However, this method hurts and people look at me like I'm some kind of bitch on a rampage. Then, I tried coming to a complete stop right in front of them so as not to collide but to immediately draw attention to the situation. This method has had moderate success. In particular, when I roll my eyes at said sidewalk-invader and then exhale with dramatic exasperation as I walk away. Perhaps this societal issue is an indicator of a general decline in common courtesy, I'm not sure. More likely, however, is the fact that most people are plugged into an iPod and/or chatting absentmindedly while walking. This causes them to feel that I should respect their obliviousness to reality and get out of the way. Sorry, my picked the wrong chica...
P.S. I can't stomach pro wrestling; it's the stupidest, most redneck thing since Pat Buchanan. Just picked the title for the allusion's sake...
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Like giving crack to a baby...

Well, I'm back, as you can see. I hadn't anticipated reviving my blog but, current circumstances have sort of led me in that direction. For one thing, I am doing research on blogging/social networks/psychology for an article/conference paper I'm writing and thought having my own blog would be kinda like "field research". Also, I find myself chest-high in demanding situations lately and writing has always been a good release for me. So has talking, but the people around me are getting a bit sick of hearing about it. I still think blogging is essentially an egotistical, voyeuristic activity but, hey, everyone else is doing it and we're all a little depraved sometimes, right? My creative writing teacher this semester has said that writing in all forms and varieties is productive for writers so, I just look at this blog as "extra credit". Not to mention it is a lovely place to voice all my observations and opinions of the world (of which there are plenty).
I'm feeling rather proud of myself at this particular moment. I am completely on-track as far as Ph.D. applications go. I decided to apply to a total of 12 programs all across the country so, needless to say, I'm in for a LOT of work. Everyone told me I didn't need that many but, I like having lots of choices. My "personal statement" is written and approved of by several trust-worthy faculty members, my transcripts (all $90 worth--how shitty) are ordered, and I've been studying SEDULOUSLY (a lot) for the GRE's. Every school is profiled, check-listed and filed in my nifty little filing cabinet; the proverbial poster picture for anal-retentive, over-achievers. The online applications are almost totally filled-out and faculty recommendation letters are in the works. phew, just thinking about it makes me tired...
Currently reading: Lies at the Altar by: Dr. Robin Smith-- SOOOO many of my friends are obsessed about marriage/engagement nowadays so, taking an informed, realistic approach to potential matrimony seemed like a good idea. If I have to check out one more "rock" (which usually looks more like a pebble) and hear "how he did it" and "what the bridesmaids are going to wear" one more time, I think I might hurl. ARE WE NOT IN THE 21st CENTURY?? Why are women still obsessing about marriage? It's not like getting hit by lightening or winning the lottery-- statistics say that 95% of the population gets married at least once. Welcome to the mediocre club (please leave your brain at the door).
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Back in the US of A

Brazil as a country, aside from the city aspect, was wonderful. It's a beautiful place (as you've seen from the endless pictures we snapped) and I must say the people are extremely nice. Being a lost little foreigner with a Spanish (not American) accent did not seem to impede people from talking with me. Though they apologetically said, "What?" at least 5 times during every conversation, communication was successful. People have certain ideas about Latin America, if not Brazil, in general. Some of them are true but most of them are not. The public services sector in Brazil (waiters, store clerks, bus drivers, etc.) are SO incredibly friendly and helpful it was amazing to me. They were always willing (in fact, wanting) to chat and almost always went out of their way to do whatever I needed. Brazil really put America to shame in that way. More than anything, being in Brazil made me motivated to know more. Seeing all the things that needed improvement or help and were so close to being wonderful made me very sad at times, though. I could tell lots of sob stories about poverty and violence but that's not what I want people to think of when they imagine Brazil because, in all fairness, those things exist here as well.
I guess I'm just really pensive right now. The flight back was stressful (we missed our connecting flight to Pittsburgh and had to take a later one) and ridiculously delayed so, I had a lot of time to think. I miss Brazil and I regret not doing more, seeing more, talking more but I suppose people always feel that way when they return from a trip. I has changed me, I think, for the better. Traveling and seeing more of the world (REALLY seeing, not just getting a stamp in your passport) is a very valuable experience and I look forward to doing it again. (Felipe and I have been eyeing up Peru.) I'm ready to move on with my life. I look forward to teaching and taking classes this year, graduating and starting my PhD wherever destiny takes me. This will be my last blog entry. I don't believe my life to be so interesting anymore to warrant publishing it online. I will continue writing, in the more traditional, hard-copy sense, about this trip but my voyeuristic period has ended. I leave with a song (Bob Dylan) that sums it up well....
The Times They Are A-Changin'
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Movin' Right Along

Felipe got his VISA!!! Yeah! Phew, what a relief. Many of you don't know this story so, I'll give the brief version. Part of the reason that we came to Brazil this summer was that Felipe needed to renew his U.S. VISA. So, we got here and he went online to pay his fees and print out the necessary forms. While doing this, he noticed that the process had changed slightly since the last time he renewed. The American Embassy now requires an "interview" with every single applicant. Only the "interview" isn't really an interview; they are finger-printing everyone who comes into the U.S. So, since EVERYONE must have an "interview" the Embassy is overwhelmed with scheduling such a huge amount of people. (Previously, only new applicants were required to be finger-printed.) As a result, they have a "required waiting period" which ended up being longer than the entire time we were going to be in Brazil---quite a pickle. Luckily, there were still a few ways around this and Felipe was granted his VISA today. He only has to pick it up tomorrow and we're set to return.
Saturday, July 08, 2006
Late-Breaking News

Back to our regularly-schedule program....
Yesterday, Felipe and I spent the whole day in Downtown Rio. We saw the church where the Emperor Dom Pedro was coronated, the Paseo Real (Royal Passage--tunnels where the royal family used to sneak around so as not to mingle with "common folk"), o Museu da Bellas Artes, o Teatro Municipal (SOOO beautiful---I was in heaven; I love the stage!), and the Biblioteca Nacional (National Library), which was fantastic and happily smelled just like all other libraries in the world :) Unfortunately, most of these things didn't allow any photographs or just a few in very select locations so, the documentation is a bit spotty.

Today, I will probably just laze around on the beach and sip on a coconut or two. Oh, just as a note: I have recently discovered a channel that has the Gilmore Girls (subtitled) and so I've been catching up on the back-episodes.
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
It's good to be queen

Also, today was my last official day of class at IBEU. I take the comprehensive exam tomorrow and if I pass I will receive a certificate of "competency" in my given level of Portuguese. If I don't pass, I will still receive a certificate that asserts my completion of a certain number of hours of Portuguese instruction. Either way, it works so, I'm not worried. Here's a photo in front of the

My time here is almost up, only about 2 weeks left. After tomorrow, I will start doing research interviews like a crazy person and also traveling around like a crazy person; I want to squeeze every drop of time out and accomplish as much as possible. It goes soooo fast...before I know it, I'll be preparing lesson plans and cooking for myself again...que pena!!! (what a shame!!!)
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Let's go to the zoo and see the wild children!

Later in the evening, we also went to the National Planetarium and saw a show called "Ceu: Mito e Realidade" (The Heavens: Myth and Reality). It basically looked at the major constellations (the zodiac, etc.) and what the story is behind them, in particular how they were named.The place is huge and super high-tech; it made us a bit homesick, though--we go to the planetarium in Morgantown regularly even though it is significantly less impressive.
Below is a photo of a lion-monkey, which is native to Brazil and highly difficult to photograph. While there we had the typical zoo experiences: 1-paying WAY too much for snacks and water 2-getting spit on by at least one animal 3-seeing at least one monkey spread-eagle and playing with himself 4-seeing a pair of something getting it on in front of 50 unsuspecting children 5-baking alive in the heat 6- taking lots pictures that no one will care about but you 7-seeing some unlucky person get pooped on 8-seeing one child have a complete meltdown over ice cream or something like it 9- Ahhh! smelling that "natural" air and 10-watching everyone (kids especially) learn a lot about our furry, feathery, scaly, slithery, slimy friends :)

Thursday, June 29, 2006
Rockin' the Fort

Wednesday, June 28, 2006
Better watch out, better not cry....

Monday, June 26, 2006
Downtown...everything's great when you're downtown...

This is the Candelaria Cathedral and it's my favorite of the four. Here is a shot of the interior...
Later, we visited the Palacio de Tiradentes (Palace of Tiradentes). He was not royalty but was given a palace/museum in honor of his place in Brazilian history. He was an advocate for Brazilian independence during the monarchy, was killed and became a martyr. His "palace" is actually the old congress building when Rio was the capital of Brazil. We had a great tour guide and it's awesome inside; it really reminded me of Washington, D.C. Here are a few shots of that....
Shortly after, it began to rain so we had to head home but it was a lot of fun while it lasted.
Saturday, June 24, 2006
As visions of churros dance in my head....

Not too much in the way of excitement happening here lately. Just been doin' the class thing, watching the World Cup games (for Brazil and Spain--the US is now out of it), shopping, reading/sleeping at the beach and beating my head up against the thesis wall. Being here and seeing how things really are makes me question my original topic. It seems pointless and irrelevant given the plethora of things that could be written about that seem much more pressing. I keep oscillating between the old idea and several different new ideas (though I haven't told my advisors yet). I'm starting to freak out a bit since my time here is roughly half over and I have no real work to show for it---just a lot of thoughts and observations. I've been making "To Do" lists that have nothing checked off yet. I can't figure out if it's the tropical atmosphere, my own procrastination and laziness or something as yet unidentified that is keeping me relatively stagnate here; it's quite annoying to have writer's block and not even be a writer, per se.

These photos are were taken when Felipe and I went to (takes a breath) his brother-in-law, Christian's, parent's apartment along the beach in Barra da Tijuca to watch Brazil play against Japan in the World Cup. For anyone who is following along, the U.S. has been eliminated but Brazil and Spain remain undefeated and at the top of their groups. There is a possibility that Brazil will play against Spain sometime in the near future which will make me very sad, no matter the outcome.
Hmmm....what else. Well, on the food front I had my first experience with Brazilian fast food--Bob's (it's like the Brazilian McDonalds, though those exist too). I hate fast food but, Felipe convinced me to at least try one of their milkshakes, since they are different than those in the U.S. This is what I had....
It is a chocolate milk shake made with good old Ovaltine. It has little crunchy chocolately bits of Ovaltine in it and it's really good. Apparently, Brazilians are rather attached to the stuff. "More Ovaltine please!" Also, on the way back from class one afternoon, Felipe had me try a churro. It is basically a hollow, cylindrical donut that Brazilians fill with chocolate, coconut, guava, and doce de leite (caramel). They look like this....though they are sold by a street vendor with a little cart in Brazil....
They taste REALLY good and are highly addictive. In fact, I want one now.
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Starting on the left we have--- caqui (kah-key; round, red, looks just like a tomato), maça (mah-sah; Brazilian apple), maracujá (mah-rah-coo-shah; passion fruit, yellow with a little stem), pera (peh-rah; pear), in the center is tangerine and the spiny green fruit is called fruta do conde (froo-tah doo con-jay; fruit of the duke)
Fruta do conde is Felipe's favorite and has quickly become my favorite as well. It has such an aromatic taste it's like eating perfume (but not the overwhelming, old-lay variety). This is the inside...
I don't know if you can see very well, since the photo is a bit dark, but the inside is white with a bunch of little pouches. Each of these little pouches contains a hard, black seed but everything white inside is edible and tastes wonderful. You scoop each part out with a spoon, suck each pouch to release the seed and then spit the seed out. It's quite a challenge to eat this fruit and it takes a while to finish one, but the taste is definitely worth it.
Above is, of course, a pineapple (abacaxi; ah-bah-kah-she) and beside it is a papaya (mamão; mah-mauw). Since I'm speaking of food, I thought I'd throw in this photo too. It's not fruit but, it's a photo of Felipe's dad (Protasio), mother (Sonia), sister (Ana Cecila-all the way from Germany to meet me even though she's quite pregnant) and brother-in-law (Christian-German). Felipe was sick that evening and stayed home but, I had a great time eating sushi and drinking with them. I drank a caipirinha, which is sort of the national drink of Brazil. It is cashaça (Brazilian version of vodka made from sugar cane, sugar, and lime. A few of those can knock the biggest guy on his butt.
Sunday, June 18, 2006
Que loucura!

--fireworks going off roughly every 5 minutes (in broad daylight) since 6:30AM
-- an entire 4 blocks worth of dogs barking after each installment of fireworks
--the glow of a TV set eminating from every surrounding apartment window
--the streets in a city of several million inhabitants COMPLETELY empty of cars
--no one working or pretending to work at any establishment, though it is not a holiday
--each and every person you pass is wearing something yellow and green somewhere on their body
--the whole 2 pages of the morning paper containing nothing of politics, crime or other social matters but only soccer-related issues
--every club, bar or other establishment with a relatively large television packed with screaming, sweating, drinking men all over the age of 30
...get the idea? Oh yes, my friends...the count-down until 1pm has begun's GAME TIME!!

Thursday, June 15, 2006
In the jungle, the mighty jungle