I'm goin' to Vegas, baby!! Not for the usual stuff: gambling, prostitutes, crack, quickie marriages, etc. I have a conference there---how ironic is that? Academia meets the Sodom and Gomorrah of the West, perfect! I have been accepted to present a paper at the Far-West Popular Culture Conference (given by the English Dept. at the University of NV-LV). My presentation is about an aspect of techno-pop culture in Brazil that I was savvy to when I was there this summer. I'm pretty jazzed about it, actually. Even though I've never even remotely wanted to go to Las Vegas. I don't gamble so, I'll mostly just be rubber-necking the whole time. Only problem is I have to apply for all kinds of grants from WVU because my lovely department only gives $250 per person for conferences. Needless to say, that won't cover 3 days with hotel, food, registration fees and airfare. I'll have to make sure and buy a fanny pack and something gold with rhinestones so I don't stick out too much.
In other news, I have been making satisfactory progress on my thesis. I think so, at least. I have a committee meeting Friday evening so, hopefully, their opinion will jive with mine. I need to polish what I have pronto so I can send it off as my writing sample. I swear, these Ph.D. apps are going to kill me. It seems like every waking moment is consumed by them. I'll be deliriously happy when it's all said and done; and I fully intend to get completely and utterly drunk in celebration (something I never do). I'm updating my blog right now to avoid: a) my thesis b) my applications and c) my assignments due tomorrow for creative writing. I can't think creatively right now-- reality is way too strong. I guess I can't put off the unavoidable for too long. Hi-ho, hi-ho, it's off to work I go...
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