Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Movin' Right Along

Felipe got his VISA!!! Yeah! Phew, what a relief. Many of you don't know this story so, I'll give the brief version. Part of the reason that we came to Brazil this summer was that Felipe needed to renew his U.S. VISA. So, we got here and he went online to pay his fees and print out the necessary forms. While doing this, he noticed that the process had changed slightly since the last time he renewed. The American Embassy now requires an "interview" with every single applicant. Only the "interview" isn't really an interview; they are finger-printing everyone who comes into the U.S. So, since EVERYONE must have an "interview" the Embassy is overwhelmed with scheduling such a huge amount of people. (Previously, only new applicants were required to be finger-printed.) As a result, they have a "required waiting period" which ended up being longer than the entire time we were going to be in Brazil---quite a pickle. Luckily, there were still a few ways around this and Felipe was granted his VISA today. He only has to pick it up tomorrow and we're set to return.

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