Saturday, July 08, 2006

Late-Breaking News

I passed the exam! Woo-hoo-- actually, I should say I kicked its booty; I got a 96% out of 100%. So, now I have a nice little certificate that says I passed the highest level of Portuguese IBEU offers. In other news, in case anyone is wondering, Brazil is and has been out of the running for the World Cup. They were eliminated by France--quite justly, I must admit. So, now the final game will go down Sunday between Italy and France. Each are already 3 time World Cup winners so, it's anyone's game, as they say. Also, my baby bro has a birthday coming up on Monday:) (If anyone knows his shoe size, please let me know ASAP!!!) Less-than-sweet 18, haha. He will be joining me at college in the fall and if he somehow manages to sneak into my Spanish class I will have to beat him up (I don't care that he's 6'00", I can still scratch him pretty good).

Back to our regularly-schedule program....

Yesterday, Felipe and I spent the whole day in Downtown Rio. We saw the church where the Emperor Dom Pedro was coronated, the Paseo Real (Royal Passage--tunnels where the royal family used to sneak around so as not to mingle with "common folk"), o Museu da Bellas Artes, o Teatro Municipal (SOOO beautiful---I was in heaven; I love the stage!), and the Biblioteca Nacional (National Library), which was fantastic and happily smelled just like all other libraries in the world :) Unfortunately, most of these things didn't allow any photographs or just a few in very select locations so, the documentation is a bit spotty.

Today, I will probably just laze around on the beach and sip on a coconut or two. Oh, just as a note: I have recently discovered a channel that has the Gilmore Girls (subtitled) and so I've been catching up on the back-episodes.


Anonymous said...

Did you go to the basement grotto of the Teatro Municipal? it's worth the dash at intermission!

Niki said...

Yes, it has fallen into significant des-repair, but it was great. Like stumbling into a bit of an Indiana Jones movie:)

Anonymous said...

Note how I did not bring up the whole "finding people at NGOs to talk to" issue. :)

Hope all is well on that front.