Saturday, December 15, 2007

Overdose of Christmas

I'm feeling dizzy, nauseous, disoriented and suspiciously jolly.....I should not operate large machinery or attempt to cross busy streets unassisted. Why? I am feeling the effects of a Christmas overdose. Let me explain...

In the last week I have:
1) Attended a Christmas party at work.
2) Attended a Christmas party with fellow Ph.D. candidates (pictures to come!).
3) Attended the Radio City Rockettes Christmas show here in town.

4) Attended a showing of the Nutcracker Ballet (my first time at a ballet) with none other than Scott Hamilton as the "special guest", appearing as Mother Ginger (yup, in drag-- real shock, right?).

Not to mention Christmas shopping, songs on the radio, holiday commercials on TV, lights and wreaths everywhere--- it's almost enough to give a person a seizure. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy celebrating holidays as much as the next person but, is it just me or has Christmas become a virtual juggernaut of joy? A cascade of cheer? A pile-drive of peace? A hornet's nest of hallelujahs? I could go on and on.

The point is, no wonder everyone I meet is stressed out and suffering from serious bouts of insecurity! We're all being pushed to the sonic boom of Christmas. Why? Because people have forgotten the point of it all. Regardless of your religious affiliations, December and January are supposed to be a time of thankfulness, reflection and remembering the value of family.

In any case, I'm tired of Christmas and it isn't even here yet. I'm over-stimulated and practically strung out on it. I think we could all use a little detox. Happy Rehab to all and to all a good night!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Isn't it ironic?

Sometimes I just gotta laugh at the irony in my life. Today has been a good case for demonstration. First of all, it is the middle of December and I wore flip-flops to class this morning. Am I really that hearty, you ask? Thick-skinned? was a balmy 71 degrees today with a slight spring-smelling breeze. Ironic? Oh yeah....considering that I'll be flying home for Christmas and will be greeted by 2 inches of snow and blustery 30 degree weather (not including windchill). I love the South!

Oh yeah, remember that Regina Spektor concert my little heart has been yearning for? Well, it was supposed to happen Dec. 6th (after being re-scheduled from Nov.) but, I was called by the theater and informed that it had been postponed yet again--indefinitely. Bummer. So, a few days later, I found awesome tickets to see the Gipsy Kings (another act I am dying to see) on Feb. 27th at 7pm so, I rally a few friends and we buy them before they sell out. Hurray! Then....

This morning, I check my email and rejoice to see that they have finally set a new date for the Regina Spektor concert. Guess when? Yup, Feb. 27th at 7pm., if anyone out there can make it into town, I'm willing to sell you my ticket to see Regina; otherwise, I'm just going to get a refund. Ah well, the Gipsy Kings will probably put on a better show anyway.

Made me think of this oldie but a goodie....Anyone else out there got a little irony in their lives?

Wednesday, December 05, 2007

The poopy-flavored lollypop that is my life....

Ok, so things around the 'ville have been a little crummy for me lately. I know I have no right to complain; there are FAR worse things happening in many, many other places in the world (I study them daily) but, I think we all need to indulge ourselves in some good, old-fashioned bitching/venting every once in a while, right? Here goes...

Things That Make Me Go "Arg":

1) I have sweet tickets to see Regina Spektor live and the show has been postponed twice now. They are currently re-setting the date and if they place it smack in the middle of Christmas break I will hurt someone.

2) My "girlie" issues have turned me into a raging lunatic this month. Things are pissing me off that never piss me off. For example, my job ran out of coffee the other day and there was only (dun-dun-dun) decaf. I was outrageously annoyed for the remainder of the day and huffed all the way home. Only when relaying this unjust incident to my significant other did I realize that I had totally lost my mind. Go figure...

3) My arranged ride home for Christmas had some complications (which aren't their fault at all) but, now I have to buy a one-way ticket and then pan-handle for a ride back. Or drive my heap home and back---eh, not such a good idea. The last thing I need is to break down in "Godforsaken City, KY" and try to find a mechanic. So much for planning in advance.

4) The weather here is so fickle it's driving me insane. I wake up in the morning and it's sunny and crisp. By the the time I come home it's very cold and very windy. I'm always freezing my butt off or sweating like a pig no matter what I wear in preparation.

5) Finals week is rapidly approaching and I feel completely overwhelmed. I have one exam to study for, two books to read, and three papers to write before I'm outta here. Makes me wanna take a shot and then a nap....

6) I had a huge paper to turn in this week for a class and, for extra input, I decided to email it to my advisor. They almost immediately emailed me back wanting to meet and talk about the paper. Ugh....doesn't bode well for me. And I thought I did a decent job on this one--- arg, guess I'll get mine handed to me tomorrow.

7) I am a complete failure as a Christmas shopper/ gift giver. I simply have no idea what to get anyone this year. No one needs anything or wants anything and, when asked, says "Ah, you don't have to get me anything." Well, damnit people, you keep telling me that and I'm going to believe you! Plus, I hate malls---hate, hate, hate them. All the people, noise, canned music, bad perfume---ugh, too much. I shop like a soldier on a mission--- get in and get the hell out before something gets shot off.

Two pleasant things that help me forget my troubles are good books and good music, both of which I have encountered lately. I highly recommend these...

Three Cups of Tea by: Greg Mortenson and David Oliver Relin--- Amazing book, trust me, you'll walk away feeling inspired.

The Weepies---LOVE this band; every song I've heard by them is fun and catchy. This is the video for "Nobody Knows Me At All".

So, peanut gallery--- what makes you stressed and grumpy? What do you do to unwind and get happy again?

Saturday, December 01, 2007

All Americans MUST see this movie....

Ok, so lots of people hate Michael Moore. When I saw him speak in Fairmont, WV for the 2004 elections, I wasn't exactly impressed myself. But, who cares? Aside from a less than attractive personality, this guy is smart and he's doing a great thing by making the movies he does. SiCKO, in particular, is a movie everyone in this country needs to see . I was shocked and really saddened by what I saw. Frankly, it made me want to move to another country---any other country. It amazes me what we let our government get away with. Then, on top of that, we have this ridiculous attitude of "America is the best, man. We're the best country in the world. That's why everyone comes here." Eh, not so much. People come here to make money, not to have the best life possible anymore. The really frustrating part is that we have the power to change it and yet we don't so, it doesn't get changed. However, bill H.R. 676 was an important turning point in this battle. It was a bill that proposed the creation of a new nationalized health care system. Michael Moore's webpage links to information on this piece of legislation--> Although it already went to a vote on Nov. 14th (and was defeated), it is still important that we write to our congressional representatives, or even the presidential candidates, and demand that they make national healthcare a top priority in 2008. And then, perhaps, there will be another proposed version (that will actually pass) of this landmark bill in the future. This is a bipartisan issue and it benefits us all; it is time that we finally take control of our health and get what we need from our government!