Monday, September 24, 2007

Lots of fun = No work done

I had such a great weekend!! This city is too fun to resist, even when there is a pile of work waiting for you. This, of course, translates to, "I got virtually nothing done worth mentioning." Oh well, I'll just have to play catch-up this week. The good thing is, in speaking with other grads, I'm not alone in my "behind schedule" status. (Above: Myself and my new friend Margarita, from Spain at the jazz club).So, my weekend consisted of:

Friday- leaving work early with crushing headache (girlie stuff); a short nap and lots of aspirin later, I was good to go; cleaned my house quickly and baked some brownies; the Newbies arrived for our weekly "Movie Night" that I was hosting; ended up not watching a movie but eating, chatting and playing Apples to Apples until about 2am

Fun category: Very chill, squeaky clean, getting-to-know-you kind of fun with close friends.

Saturday- woke up very late due to 2am bedtime; made vain attempt to read for upcoming week; couldn't concentrate-- watched movie instead; cleaned up after Friday night gathering; called some friends; went salsa dancing with some Latin friends at a downtown bar (with AWESOME live salsa band); went to bed around 3am

Fun category: Wild, fast-paced, sweaty, work-your-body-til-it-hurts kind of fun.

Sunday- woke up very late, again; made vain attempt to read; couldn't concentrate-- cooked full Brazilian meal instead; nursed my aching and blistered feet; called some friends; went to local bar (pictured above) with some fellow grads to see professional jazz band playing (retired studio musicians); went to bed about midnight thinking, "Oh my god, the weekend is officially over already."

Fun category: Sophisticated, adult, too-cool-for-all-you-other-cats kind of fun.

My question to the peanut gallery is: how do you balance what you HAVE to do with what you WANT to do? Are there times when letting work go on the back burner is necessary? What do you do to unwind after a rough week?


DH said...

...cooked full Brazilian meal instead?

Niki said...

Yeah man...full-on...rice, beans, steak, big salad, fried yucca, with brigadeiro for dessert...only thing missing was the Guarana :(

Anonymous said...

Hey lady! I often pretend that I work a 9-5, that way (at least in my mind though not necesarily in reality) I feel productive enough to relax in the evenings.

That doesn't really work though...I end up being lazy and having to do things at the last minute.

Cooking has defintely become a new love of mine over the last few months. With an artist for a husband (who is creative all the time), I find my creativity in my cooking. I'd love to try cooking a "full Brazilian meal" sometime, but I do make some pretty good enchiladas. :)