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Not sure why, but I've been thinking alot about the future lately. I'm definitely a "plan ahead" kind of person so, I've mainly been looking at PhD programs. I think the trigger for all of this was Thursday. I spent the whole day in ceremonies eating really good free food, which is always fun. The first one was for the History Department. They had a lunch speaker from the U.S. State Department who discussed Latin America/United States foreign relations. He gave a great talk and I asked a lot of questions. Afterwards, he gave me his card and encouraged me to pursue a career in diplomacy and that he would gladly recommend me should I apply in his department-- rather nice compliment, I think. I told him about my Brazil trip and he gave me the name of some government researchers that focus on Brazil. He said they could help me with my study this summer--gotta email them soon.As if that wasn't nice enough, later that evening Felipe and I attended the GEO banquet. I was lucky enough to receive the GEO (Global Educational Opportunities) Grant for my Brazil trip this summer (for a VERY nice amount) so, we went to the awards ceremony. Dinner was great and so was the speaker; it was really amazing to see diversity of destination for all the recipients. That made me think about where in the world I'll end up. I have too many things lined up, I think--studying abroad, graduate school, teaching abroad, applying for a government job like the FBI or CIA, etc. I want to do all of them, but I want a PhD first. I have 10 great schools profiled and ready for applications. The hardest part will be deciding which I like MORE; they all have wonderful qualities and come with excellent recommendations from various professors, students and administrators I know. I'm rather anal-retentive about school, but I think it's way too important to let it go to the last minute. So, all I have to do is write my thesis and send out the applications in the fall then, enjoy the ride!

The good news is that I did in fact receive a lollypop (green apple, my favorite) and several stickers (smiley faces for me and Felipe--for his support). The bad part is that I woke up this morning to discover that I cannot raise my arms or bend them very well; it feels like I did 500 push-ups in my sleep. According to the pamphlet I received about the shot, this is normal and should go away in a few days. A few days!! Right before finals week--arg. That should make typing research papers and grading rather interesting. Plus, I have to get a second shot in 4 weeks then a third one in 6 months. I fear that my chicken-dancing skills will never be the same after this trauma! Ah well, I guess I will just keep plowing through with a smile. This semester will be over in about a week and, as Willy Wonka says, "so much time and so little to do...wait, reverse that".
Just remembered that I need to add a lucky #13 to my Brazil To-Do List...vaccinations :( Arg...I'm not afraid of needles but I certainly can't say I enjoy being bruised for a week afterwards. I have to get Hepatitis A+B and then...gulp...tetnus. So, not only will my arm be sore, but my rear-area will be as well-- peachy. Felipe will be sitting there holding my hand, but that's not enough. I don't care if I'm 23 years old, I want a big lollypop and some Mickey Mouse stickers after it's over....
I tend to be a very list-oriented kind of person. So, I am attempting to create a checklist for the time remaining before I leave for Brazil. Unfortunately, there’s so much going on right now it’s hard to sit down and concentrate. I went through oral interviews with my students today and will continue for the rest of the week. Basically, I ask them some questions based on a randomly-chosen topic and we have a mini-conversation in Spanish. Things have been going pretty well so far. It’s exciting to see the semester winding down but I’m really going to miss these groups. They have been a lot of fun; though they probably think I’m crazy. I’m always bringing music and props, acting things out, singing, dancing and making jokes in class.
Anyway, I digress—yet again—away from the list. Ok, I think this is pretty much what I need to do:
1) Pack (I’ve already purchased a suitcase so large that—no kidding—Felipe can fit me in it and zip it up.)
2) Write a Gift List for family and friends
3) Write a postcard/letter list with names and addresses
4) Finish up my travel grant paperwork so I can get my refund
5) Clean every document off my pin-drive (after Finals Week)
6) Turn in my thesis proposal to my committee
7) Buy presents for Felipe’s parents and sister (who is coming all the way from Germany to meet me!)
8) Finish the IRB paperwork so I can conduct research and surveys while I’m in Brazil
9) Find a few good books to read while I’m there
10) Clean the apartment so my roommate won’t have to while I’m gone
11) Leave money for bills with my roommate
12) Give away clothing to Goodwill or the Salvation Army (I have a TON of clothing in my closet; I expect to bring a good bit back so, I need to make room.)
Hmm…I think that pretty much covers it—at least for now. I just need to focus on grading (though it’s mostly done thanks to my handy-dandy Excel program รก la Felipe) and the work I have to do for Finals Week. Stay tuned....
Well, today is my first official day as a blogger. Though I find it a bit voyeuristic, I have been urged by several friends and family members to create this blogspot. Since I will be going to Brazil this summer (May-July), I believe it will be a good way to keep in touch and let everyone know how the trip is going. Technically, that is my only reason but I'm starting a little early to let everyone see the "countdown" preparation as well. 37 days left until take-off!