I have a lot of sympathy for working people. Particularly in the service sector. Customers can be a-holes and the jobs generally just stink. Therefore, I'm always polite and I always leave a tip (even when I probably shouldn't or don't want to). The people working at this hostel (the Botafogo Easy Hostel in Rio) are FANTASTIC. Let me say that again, the people who WORK at this hostel are AWESOME! Unlike the owner, Carlos, who is a complete waste of space. He should be shipped off to Guantanamo, in my opinion.
Let me paint you a picture of life here at the hostel...
Me: Michelle (cleaning/housekeeping), could you please change the sheets on the bed and grab me a fresh towel.
Michelle: Sure...what color do you want? We've got blue, yellow...
(after I walk away)
Carlos: MICHELLE!! Why didn't you change her sheets already?? The customer shouldn't have to ask! What's the matter with you? Are you stupid?
(This morning at breakfast)
Me: Good morning, Michelle!
Michelle: Good morning, Nicolette! Where are you off to today? (chatting for 5 mins)
(after I go upstairs)
Carlos: MICHELLE!! (always yelled, never spoken) You need to do this, this and this...now!
Michelle: (silent with head down); she turns to walk away....
Carlos: Don't you DO that! Don't you turn your back to me! I'm talking to you! You are not a child, are you?-- so don't act like one!
Michelle: (silent)
Incidentally, Michelle is Afro-Brazilian. Would it be easy to explain this as simple, completely unacceptable racism? Nope. He also treats the front desk people (all of whom are white) in the same manner. One guy already left because he couldn't take it anymore--- after only one month working here! It's ridiculous.
Carlos is also a chauvinist pig. The weekend front desk girl, N, is leggy and really beautiful. He misses no opportunity to comment on how she looks to everyone-- behind her back and even sometimes to her face. It's sickening. I've asked around and there are no sexual harassment laws in place here so, our hands are tied.
I've been awful about keeping up with this blog during my time here but rage always inspires me to write. It also makes me want to act out. So, BOYCOTT THIS HOSTEL!!! Tell anyone you know that may consider traveling to Rio and staying here NOT to. This man deserves to starve. I would leave in protest but dick-boy has a "no refunds" policy here so, I can't afford to leave and stay anywhere else because I'm already paid up. Pisser for me. He's, of course, always friendly to me because I'm a customer but, since I speak Portuguese and most people who stay here don't, I hear the inside story from all the employees. I'm MAD damnit! Why must the world be this way?? Any suggestions on what I can do about this situation?
My uncle has a trick. Buy some plain doughnuts or something. Melt chocolate Exlax and use its as icing. Let it set and slip the pastry to the offender.
And even quicker way is to drop or 2 of lens cleaner into his drink. He'll be uncomfortably occupado for a long while.
call the dept of health about the dengue cesspool that is the FIRST THING YOU SEE walking in the door. I am serious, this is unacceptable in every sense, but in particular an EMPIRICAL one that can have some serious repercussions for all the guests. If the city enforces its own laws at all, he will have to deal with this. And he won't be happy about it.
forgot to add -- http://www.hostelz.com/hostel/27648-Botafogo-Easy-Hostel
Here's an old trick from an ex-spouse who was upset that her husband cheated on her and that she didn't get to keep the house in the divorce settlement:
1. Obtain a raw shrimp
2. Find the most inconspicuous window on the property
3. Depending on the window treatment, either unscrew the curtain rod or remove the bracket caps from the mini-blinds
4. Depending on the window treatment, either place the raw shrimp inside the curtain rod or place the raw shrimp inside the mini-blinds' bracket casing
5. Depending on the window treatment, either screw the curtain rod back together or replace the bracket caps to the mini-blinds.
After 3 days, the odor will engulf the entire property and the source will be nearly impossible to locate.
Macroog, that would be hilarious, if only she could do it in his *HOUSE*, because with the way he runs this place, he really wouldn't care if you did it to his hostel. Ms.N didn't even go into his affection for cutting corners in any conceivable way. Rooms with no working electrical outlets or beds held together with staples, things like that. A festering shrimp cocktail inside a window bracket or curtain rod would just fit right along with everything else, really.
by the way Ms.N, can't you just come out and say PISSED OFF?? What are we, 7? :-o
Put reviews on the hostel booking sites online.
Tell Duda James misses and loves her and I"ll take Carlos around the corner for a chat next I'm in town
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