Friday, June 08, 2007

Two Giant Scoops of Nuthin'

I'm blogging out of the sheer annoyance that I have nothing remotely interesting to blog about. How crummy is that? Basically, my life at this moment consists of:

1) Work from 8am to whenever I'm done (usually almost 5pm)
2) Eating-- trying to get 3 square ones a day, sometimes at the desk
3) Sleeping-- cannot seem to catch up; I'm sleepy at 7pm but then can't actually get to sleep until after 11pm and must wake up at 6:30AM
4) Driving-- my family and I have been driving back and forth from Philly almost every weekend so, my Saturdays are completely spent within an SUV
5) Planning-- got my fall classes picked out, trying to develop an interior design scheme for my new apartment (on a miniscule budget), dreaming about where I'll be next summer (I'm thinkin' Spain and Portugual)

The only wild thing that has happened lately didn't even actually happen to me-- it happened to my boss. She got a wicked case of poison ivy over Memorial Day weekend and, since then, has been highly medicated. Nothing seemed to be working so, her doctor gave her a steroid shot. She had a severely allergic reaction to this shot (while at work with me), broke out into hives, started throwing up and ran a tremendously high fever. Her husband took her to the ER where they promptly diagnosed her and gave her MORE drugs to knock her out and let her body fix itself. That said, she has been working 1/2 days for most of this week which really sucks for me because--- without a boss I have no work to do; thus, I've been working 1/2 days, which I really can't afford right now. Major bummer all around but, luckily, she's doing much better now. Hopefully, next week will be a full-time week.

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