Wednesday, May 09, 2007

If I never see another cardboard box again in my life...

...I'll be very happy. I'd forgotten what a major pain in the ass moving can be. And how did I end up with all this crap?? Sometimes I think being a baglady isn't such a bad idea--- just live with what you can carry on your back. None of this renting a U-Haul to tote around crap that you never use and rarely think about until you have to pick it up and carry it up/down stairs. Ugh. The worst part is that the majority of the housewares here are mine (dishes, living room furniture, cooking utensils, etc.) So, my roommate is already finishing moving out (plus her parents live 1/2hr. away) and I'm left standing in a half-full apartment with the realization that all this shit is MINE. I've learned my lesson well, though. In Nashville, I will be the poster-child for minimalist living. No longer will I give in to the thought, "Well, it could come in handy someday." If I don't need it to live until tomorrow, it goes to someone else. My Achille's heal is paper--- I have a frickin' library of books, old notebooks and loose papers that have some kind of sentimental value. I never took up smoking because I knew, if I didn't take care, my place would light up like a Christmas tree. *Sigh* Just when I thought the stress was over...pardon me while I go jump in a dumpster for more boxes....

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